
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Contoh Makalah|Karya Ilmiah|English

1.1.  Background           
            Indonesia is an archipelagic country with various ethnic groups from Sabang to Merauke, from all tribes in the country which we love has a different language, traditions, art, and cultures. among the tribes, writer interesting in one of the tribe located in the southern Sulawesi the name is Toraja. It is one of the Indonesian tourism is very popular in foreign countries, but unfortunately most of Indonesia people do not know about it. Therefore, the writer will discuss about Tana Toraja in this book.
The Writer chose Toraja culture for several reasons, namely : unique culture which encourages me to know more about Tana Toraja, It is one of the regions in Indonesia that are less known, so with this paper, writer hope to tell at a glance about Toraja to readers of all, Tribe, and a unique tourist attraction, which is not known by many communities.
1.2. Origins
Understanding the origins of Toraja, there are two versions. The first version says that
the Toraja word derived from the word “to”  meaning people and the wordking “Raja”
whichmeans king. So the meaning of Toraja is royal people. Another version says that the
Toraja derived from two words namely "to" meaning people and "ri aja" (Buginese), which
means mountain area. So Toraja means mountain people. Both versions have a different
reason and sense.

The name of Toraja originally given by the Bugis Sidendereng and from Luwu. Sidendereng person named residents of this area as To Riaja which means "those who dwell in the land above or mountains", Luwu  people call it riajang,  means "one who dwells in the west". There is also another version that the word originally Toraya  To = Tau (people), Raya = of the word Maraya (large), meaning the big guys, nobility. Over time the mention of such a Toraja, the meaning of Tana is country, so that settlements Toraja tribe known as Tana Toraj

2.1. Typical Characteristics Of Toraja Tribe
Tongkonan is a traditional house of Toraja tribe. At first glance sounds like a place to sit and watch something.

 Tongkonan always facing north.
What is Tongkonan?
Based on the origin he said, Tongkonan, meaning that it occupies or the seat. But absolutely nothing to do with the watch. Tongkonan said to be the seat because it is a gathering place for the Toraja nobility. They usually sit in tongkonan to discuss indigenous issues.
Tongkonan very unique shape. Both ends of the roof is pointed upward at gadang house reminiscent of West Sumatra. Some say shaped like a boat with a stern, but some are equating it with buffalo horns.
One thing is certain, all leading tongkonan to the north. Tongkonan direction as well as the pointed tip of the roof to the top symbolize that they are derived from ancestors who came from the north. When they later die, they will gather together his ancestral spirits in the north.
In addition to its unique tradition of tongkonan also interesting. According to local stories, first Tongkonan built by Puang Matua or the creator in heaven. It used only the nobility the right to build tongkonan. In addition, tongkonan house not be owned individually but is inherited from generation to generation by family or clan Toraja tribe.

2.2. Tradition Of Tana Toraja
Each region had a tradition of  honoring the dead. If in Bali we are familiar with the term Ngaben, Sarimatua in North Sumatra, then in Tana Toraja ceremony known as rambu solo’. Equations of all three: the ritual of death and burial ceremonies. In Tana Toraja has two of the traditional fig Rambu Solo' and Rambu Tuka. Rambu Solo' is a funeral, while Rambu Tuka, is the ceremonial new of traditional house, or recently renovated.
Rambu Solo' is a very festive event tradition in Tana Toraja, because it takes days to celebrate. The ceremony is usually held during the day, as the sun began leaning to the west and usually takes 2 to 3 days. Even up to two weeks for the nobility. Built his own tomb at the top of the cliff at the height of the rock.
Because according to the trust Aluk To Dolo (Tana Toraja people's confidence first, before the advent of Christianity and Islam) among the people of Tana Toraja, the higher the place of the remains were laid, then the sooner his soul to nirvana.
This ceremony is for each community group must differ. When the nobleman who died, then the number of buffalo that will be deducted for  the purposes of the event is much more than for those who are not royal. For the noble families, the number of buffalo may range from 24 to 100 buffaloes. While the citizens group to puffing required slaughtering eight buffaloes coupled with 50 pigs, and about 3 days long ceremony.
But, before the number was insufficient, the bodies should not be buried in the cliffs or on the high ground. Hence, it rarely remains stored for years in Tongkonan (traditional house) until the deceased families can prepare the sacrificial animals. But for adherents of Christianity and Islam today, the bodies may be buried in the ground first, then dug up again after the family is ready to perform this ceremony.
For the people of Tana Toraja, the dead person is not in itself a degree of the dead. For them before the ceremony Rambu solo’ then the person who died was considered the sick man. Because the status is still hurt, then the dead person had to be admitted and treated like people who are still alive, providing food, beverages and tobacco or betel. Things that are usually done by a ghost, must continue to run as usual.
The body was moved from the funeral home to the first tongkonan (tongkonan tammuon), namely tongkonan where it originated. There carried out a slaughter of water buffaloes in sacrifice or Toraja people said Ma'tinggoro Tedong, which is typical of the Toraja way of slaughtering, cutting buffalo with a machete with a single swipe. Buffalo to be slaughtered tethered on a rock called Simbuang batu. After that, the buffalo had been dismembered and the meat distributed to those present.
The body will be buried in rante (special field where the procession takes place), there already stood out loud (temporary houses made ​​of bamboo and wood) that has been given a number. Loud itself serves as the residence of the relatives who came later. Because during the event they all did not return to their homes but stay in loudly that has been provided by families who are grieving.
Funeral procession finally reached the rante that will be placed in lakkien (tower). The tower was the tallest building in the loud-loud in rante. Lakkien is made of bamboo with a traditional house of Toraja. The body was laid on top lakkien before will be buried. In rante ready two buffaloes that will be cut down.
Once the bodies arrived at lakkien, the next event is the reception, the relatives who came from across the country. In the evening after the procession of the reception is completed, followed by entertainment for the family and invited guests who came with buffalo fights show (ma'pasilaga tedong). What a hectic the audience, because during the ceremony Rambu Solo’, fights ruminants is an event eagerly awaited.
Over the next few days the reception and buffalo race is the agenda of the next event, reception continues till all the guests are in the space provided is loud in Rante. In the afternoon contest was always held buffalo, this is an entertainment loved by the people of Tana Toraja up until the day of burial. Both were buried in the cliffs or in patane’ (tombs of shaped wood custom home).

2.3. Values ​​Contained in Rambu Solo’
2.3.1.  Positive
Rambu Solo’ ceremony has a noble values ​​in public life, among them mutual cooperation and mutual assistance. Although seen as a waste because the search for the treasure to be spent in a death, an element of mutual aid that looks very clear, for example in the provision of water buffalo. A family which endured grief (the bereaved) received donations buffalo, pigs, or money from relatives to carry Rambu solo’.
The element of mutual assistance was also instrumental in the implementation of  Rambu solo. The ceremony is performed by anyone who can afford. Usually, there is also a division of buffalo meat to people who can not afford. This leads to a reduction of social inequalities.

2.3.2.  Negative
More negative impacts than positive ones. In a society Tana Totaja, parents tend to maintain their social status in society, so that becomes their goal is ceremonial and tend to override education and the future of their children. So do not be surprised if the parents of such, will always complain even refuse to pay school fees, turn the procurement of funds for traditional ceremonies, the parents are always ready. So the ceremony Rambu solo’ become the first priority than education, lifestyle and property.
But how should it respond, Sometimes parents are not realistic in view / targeting a traditional ceremony, they spend a lot of money when they do not really have that much. So that, there is a debt here and there. The existence of such a mindset will certainly hamper for not doing the right thing and realistic.
Not only parents, even the child shall participate. Two years ago when the writer was working at a logging company in Sekatak Buji, at that time he had a Toraja tribe friend, and  asked, “why do you send money to your family every month?” And his friend said “ because My family really needed for my gran mother death ceremony”.  A few months later he decided to return to Toraja for attend his grandmother's death ceremony.
Culture is very important, but not until it plunges his own culture, so again should give priority to truth and realistic. I give according to my ability.
2.3.3.  Religion
In addition to the above two values​​, religious values ​​are also visible of Rambu solo’
ceremonies. Toraja people make sense of death as something not feared because they believe
that there is life after death. For them, death is part of the rhythm of life must be lived.
Although may cry, death is also a joy that brings people back to heaven, the origin of the
ancestors. In other words, they believe in life after death.
In the death ceramony of Rambu Solo’, not too grief reflected in the faces of grieving
families, because they have enough time to say farewell to the dead, because dead bodies are
usually stored in the traditional house (tongkonan), saved could reach the count years. The
purpose of the body is stored there are several reasons, first is to wait until the family can or
able to perform funeral rites Rambu Solo’, the second is to wait until the children of the
deceased come all ready to attend this death party. Because they assume that people who
have died but has not been feted Rambu Solo’ tradition is considered to have died and said
that only sick, because the status is still "sick". People who had died earlier should be cared
for and treated as people who are still alive.

2.4.  Arts And Culture
2.4.1.  Ma’ Badong Dance
 Tanah Toraja, South Sulawesi has a lot of arts area that has been ingrained from
generation to generation, One of them is Ma’ badong. It is a ritual ceremony grief dance held in the death of Tanah Toraja.
This dance is performed in groups in general by men, whether young or old, but woman is also not prohibited. The dancers (pa' badong) form a circle and tie together your little finger while reciting poems and songs of lament accompanied by hand gestures and footsteps are adapted to the rhythm of the song. Once the ma'badong dressed all in black but in line with the times, the costumes worn are no longer black.
Ma' badong dancer moves in successive steps. The atmosphere that night to be added when the dancers sing sacred poem or a song of sadness (Kadong Badong). Ma' badong chant poems contain human history from birth to death and prayer, so that the spirits of dead spirits received in the country (Puya), or nature in the afterlife.
Songs by the dancer does not use notes. Poetry and song contains such a historical record of magnanimity and greatness of service figures are deceased. Song or poem is called "BATING". Bating this voiced by Indo' Badong, which Indo' Badong's function was to regulate every lyric sung rhythm and form. Alternately dances, connect connect Tongkonan ritual place in the court held. Long of dances are usually hours, all night, sometimes lasting up to three days and three nights a dial-connect in the parking place of mourning ceremonies.
2.4.2. Buffalo fights Culture
Tana Toraja is the area's most famous tourist destination in South Sulawesi. Foreign tourists call it a tourist attraction because of its cultural diversity of world culture is very rich.
One of the interesting culture of Tana Toraja is Mapasilaga Tedong customary or buffalo fights. Buffalo pitted here is not arbitrary. Typically, buffalo Caucasians (Tedong Bonga) or the albino buffalo complaint. Buffalo belonging to mud buffalo is a species of buffalo found only in Tana Toraja. In addition, there are also buffalo Salepo who have dark patches on the back and Lontong Boke of black-backed. This last type of buffalo is the most expensive with bandrol reach hundreds  millions of dollars. Buffalo that have been castrated males can also be included in this Mapasilaga Tedong.
Before the buffalo fight began, the committee gave the pork that has been burned, smoke, and water that has been fermented juice (wine), to guide the buffalo and the guests. Buffalo fight then performed in the field, starting with albino buffalo fights. Buffalo fight procession interspersed with buffalo-style cuts Toraja, Ma'tinggoro Tedong, namely with a machete and cut the buffalo with a single slash.
Buffalo is an animal considered sacred by the Toraja tribe. These cultural activities are usually displayed when the Ceremony of Rambu Solo’, funeral ancestors who had died several years earlier.

2.5. Tourism in Tana Toraja
2.5.1.  Ke’te kesu’
  Ke'te kesu' is a tourist attraction that is already popular among foreign tourists since 1979 the house is situated at Bonoran kampong within 4 km from the town of Rantepao, has been established as one of Heritage with registration number 290 that need to be preserved / protected. Tourism is very interesting, because it has a complex housing a pristine indigenous Toraja, consisting of several Tongkonan, complete with rice barn (sura grass), from the ancestral Puang Tongkonan ri Kesu' functioned as a place to consult, manage, establish, and implement custom rules that apply in Toraja, not only that, about 50 yards backward, there is also nature  grave that already hundreds of years old like the one in Londa.
2.5.2.  Londa Cave
  Londa is one of the many interesting attractions in Tana Toraja, which is located in the villageTikunna Malenong’. Londa is a natural form of burial caves at the foot of the mountain. Inside the cave was placed the bodies in a box called Erong or Duni. Erong is a kind of coffin made ​​of wood is hard and strong. The outside Erong inlaid with beautiful carvings.
Before entering the natural cave, slightly above the cave there is a line of statues called Tau-tau (dolls) are made of jackfruit wood that can last a long time. Tau-tau is a duplicate of a buried corpse. By counting how many Tau-tau that is, it is known how many bodies are buried in a rut. To distinguish which ones were old erong, can be seen from the color. The black erong is placed when they still embrace animism and the brown is erong inserted after the entry of Christianity. So as old as the black erong. But there erong that had been destroyed so that human skeletons lying in the cave.
2.5.3.  Baby Grave
  Baby grave is called Passiliran, the Locations in Kambira. Only infants died before their teeth grow buried in a hole of Tarra’ tree. baby is still considered sacred. Options Tarra' tree as a cemetery because it has a lot of tree sap, which is considered as a substitute for breast milk. And they regard as will the baby be returned to her mother's womb. And hope, return the baby to the mother's womb will save babies born later.
Tarra’ tree which became the grave has a large enough diameter, approximately 80-300 cm. Created in tree holes to bury the baby, which was then covered with palm tree fibers. This cemetery is only done by the Toraja followers Aluk Todolo (belief in ancestors). Implementation in a simple ceremony. And just like that baby who was buried without the wrapper, like a baby still in the womb.
Placement of the baby's body in the tree, according to the social strata of society. The higher degree of social family the higher the baby who was buried in the trunk Tarra’. Babies who die are placed in the direction of the bereaved family residences. After decades, the bodies of babies that will blend with the trees and is an attraction for tourists.
2.5.4.  Stone Grave
  This place is one of the ancestral graves in Toraja, which is a grave nature that carved the XVI century, the number of existing burrows of ancient stone are 74 and Tau-tau (dolls) are standing some 40 as a symbol of prestige, status, role and position of the nobility in Lemo village. Lemo therefore named this new model there burrow that resembles an orange round and speckled.



3.1. Conclusion
Actually, Indonesia has a variety of cultures and tribes in it, but many people do not know what the existing culture in the country. One example is Toraja tribe who settled in South Sulawesi province has many unique cultures.
From the start of the tribes, languages​​, customary marriages, death ceremonies, traditional foods, and attractions are diverse and unique.
3.2. Advice / Info
Indonesia's diverse culture we should not waste it just like that, as a nation who love the homeland, we should be able to preserve the nation's cultures. If we are not able to preserve it, a culture we have, the longer it will increasingly become extinct. Therefore, we must be able to learn a little about the cultures of many regions, even though culture is not from our area.
3.3. Impression
After reading this scientific work, the impression the Writer get is the diversity of the uniqueness of Toraja culture that writer do not know much, and make more interested to know further.

Thank You

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